About Me

Oh, hey. Glad to see you there!

My name is Antonio, an engineer located in Turin, Italy, who likes calling himself a techurious (nope, that’s not a strange kind of two-headed dinosaur. It’s the combination of the words technology and curious).

Since I was a kid, I loved using computers. I was lucky to have some of them in my parents’ house. I remember when I used PowerPoint to make quiz-like games whose final result was up to the user decisions (the user was always me; sad story).

I grew up with more and more interest in that thing called code. I studied for it and made it part of my life. I love making iOS apps, solving problems, creating projects with fancy names and logos and making scripts that can make my life easier (they call them Life-Hacks, no?).

Currently I work as an iOS Engineer in Iriscube Reply, where we make apps… don’t move… for banks! Yeah banks! Where money comes from! I love my job and I like to put some little sparkles of nerdy things on it.

If you wanna learn more about what I do, check my GitHub and remember:

Nothing good happens after 2 AM